Javascript Calculators

Online Calculators to Drive User Engagement

Apartment Savings Calculator

Several apartment clients were offering discounted rates in the market, but struggling to convey the savings. We developed a savings calculator that estimated the reduction in cost for the resident were they to sign a new lease. The calculator factored in rent, moving, furniture, and pet fees to generate estimated savings. If the user would not save money, the form had a fail state that used humor to encourage them to contact.

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See the Pen Apartment Savings Calculator by Josh Jennings (@jenningscreate) on CodePen.

See the Pen Green Energy Savings Calculator by Josh Jennings (@jenningscreate) on CodePen.

Energy Bill Savings Calculator

Our client boasted monthly utility bill savings of 35% for their specialized, energy-efficient windows. However, 35% was not a very tangible number. By creating an energy savings calculator, customers could easily understand just how much they could save. It functioned effectively for commercial businesses looking to reduce their costs as well.

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Spousal Support Calculator

SEO keyword research for divorce lawyers showed that users searched for "spousal support calculator" up to 850 times per month in Google. After this discovery, I worked with the SEO team to identify the formula necessary for calculating spousal support fees in the client's state. I then created a calculator that allowed a user to input their monthly income and length of marriage to get an estimate of their monthly payments over a maximum period of time.

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See the Pen Vaught Spousal Support Calculator by Josh Jennings (@jenningscreate) on CodePen.

See the Pen Screen Size Calculator by Josh Jennings (@jenningscreate) on CodePen.

Screen Size Calculator

Our client rented giant, inflatable screens that they would use to host large-scale events to show various types of media. However, it was difficult for users to understand the sliding scale pricing or the size of the screen that they required. Using a range slider, I was able to calculate the customer's estimate cost based on the number of attendees to their event and whether it happened on a weekday or weekend. I also created a visual of the inflatable screen using HTML and CSS to show users how big their screen would be.

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This is just for me... I really like this article: The Power Law of CRO 🙌